“I’m a product of a single mother of three, victim of domestic violence, whose family never qualified for social assistance programs. I grew up in low-income housing that did not feel safe, failed to meet our basic needs, and diminished our sense of pride and dignity. My vision for Sycamore Homes is to ensure underserved communities never experience what my family did and always have adequate access to comprehensive social assistance programs that give people the right tools for building a prosperous life.”
– George Fernandez, Founder and CEO of Latino Connection and Fernandez Realty Group
The Heart
of Sycamore Homes
The Sycamore Homes development team is led by Fernandez Realty Group, a minority owned development company with ties to the immediate community, and Latino Connection, a local social determinants of health agency that exists to meet the needs of diverse and underserved communities. Founder and CEO of Fernandez Realty Group, George Fernandez is passionate about creating safe, affordable, and uplifting living environments for those in need, which is fueled by his own personal experience.
Fernandez’s vision is much bigger than any one building, city, or person. It is the key that unlocks opportunity, pride, and a sense of belonging. Sycamore Homes is the first building block in this foundation. Put simply, this is where opportunity calls home.